Boost 1.84.0 Beta 1 Release Candidate 1 is available

Louis Tatta
Louis Tatta
Nov 9th, 2023

Available at: <>

The SHA256 checksums are as follows:

f8a9f21580961536a95fb7fcf9deebde45d7e0e94ddd81402f1e37ae2c590410 boost_1_84_0_b1_rc1.tar.bz2
3e4765c41974c763b7d4a67a432569bf75d3367d7a6b72c4ac9458e5004c59dc boost_1_84_0_b1_rc1.7z
de9b35e232e4b1769f4d800ec01255a9c2546639be43e45b16ce6d109c088e99 boost_1_84_0_b1_rc1.tar.gz

As always, the release managers would appreciate it if you download the
candidate of your choice and give building it a try. Please report both
success and failure, and anything else that is noteworthy.

-- The Release Managers